
Cosmetic Dentistry

Enhance the Beauty of Your Smile

Your smile should give you every confidence in the world. Because of the variety of advanced treatment options and ever evolving technology, it is easy to achieve your most desired beautiful healthy smile.

If you are considering cosmetic dental treatment, ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • Do you hesitate to smile?
  • Are you in need of a self-confidence boost?
  • Do you want to look your best in social or professional situations?
  • Are you ready to reverse any dental imperfections you may have?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, cosmetic dentistry may be the answer to your problems.

Some of the more popular smile enhancing treatments we offer at Dr. Joyce Lui Dental include Teeth Whitening, Tooth-Coloured Fillings, Dental Veneers, Crowns and Bridges.

Teeth Whitening

Our professional whitening systems are extremely effective at brightening discoloured teeth. This treatment is not only effective, it is also easy. We can provide in-office teeth whitening or with the custom bleaching kit we provide, you can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home.

Tooth-Coloured Fillings

Made of tooth-coloured resin material, these fillings are made to match your existing teeth so your smile appears clean and natural. With this resin compound bonding to your teeth, the seal is tighter and the restored tooth can be stronger than ever before.

Dental Veneers

You no longer need to hide your smile because of gaps, chips, stains, or misshapen teeth. Thanks to the technology behind veneers, Dr. Lui can easily correct your teeth’s imperfections to help you have a more natural, confident, beautiful smile.

Veneers are ultrathin laminates of porcelain that are bonded to the front of teeth. To prepare for veneers, Dr. Lui will create a unique model of your teeth, which is sent to a dental technician to create your veneers. Your teeth may also need to be conservatively prepared to ensure you achieve your desired aesthetic result.

After your veneers are placed, you’ll be pleased to see that they look like your natural teeth. While veneers are stain-resistant, Dr. Lui may recommend that you avoid coffee, tea, red wine and tobacco to maintain the beauty of your new smile.


Crowns are needed when there is insufficient tooth strength to hold a filling offering extra protection to the damaged tooth strengthening it and improving it’s shape. Crowns are used to cover a highly restored tooth that has been repaired through a root canal, has cracked or has a large filling.

Crowns can be made of porcelain, metal or a combination of both. Porcelain crowns are most often preferred because they mimic the translucency of natural teeth and are very strong. Your crown is created in a lab from your unique tooth impression, which allows a dental laboratory technician to examine all aspects of your bite and jaw movements. It is then sculpted just for you so that your bite and jaw movements function normally once the crown is placed. Once fabricated, they are cemented onto the existing tooth.

If you think a dental crown may be in your near future, call us today to discuss your needs.


Missing teeth can diminish the appearance of a smile and can cause other teeth to drift out of place. Dental Bridges are a commonly used solution for missing teeth. Dental bridges containing replacement teeth are anchored into place by healthy teeth on either side of the bridge. Bridges cannot be removed but need to be checked for wear during regular dental check ups.

You may need a dental bridge to replace missing teeth, help maintain the shape of your face or alleviate stress on your bite. Your bridge can be made from gold, alloy, porcelain or a combination of these materials, and is bonded onto surrounding teeth for support.

The success of any bridge depends on many factors including the surrounding teeth, gums and bone, making it very important to keep your existing teeth, gums and jaw healthy and strong.

If a bridge sounds like something that could help you achieve the smile of your dreams, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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